a virgindade é acima de tudo a disponibilidade absoluta à vontade do daimon, à crença íntima daquilo que nos habita, do próprio apelo interior que é o núcleo do ser humano - aquele sopro silencioso. acolher no útero o fruto dessa crença extrapola a própria física que anima o advento.
o mistério suplantará sempre a ciência. a graça estará na coabitação com essa vontade misteriosa que impele a própria vida. o sim é a grande resposta do espírito. negada essa possibilidade de aceitação é negada a essência da paz interior, da salvação e dum encontro filial e escatológico.
«Buddha's mother concieved her son when in a state of blissful meditation under a banyan tree. Mary concieved Jesus in more or less the same way. It's been said that Leonardo DaVinci, Joan of Ark, Moses, Zoroaster and scores more geniuses, visionaries and healers were also born parthenogenetically. If many of the lower species can and do concieve this way I don't think it's so shocking to assume that humans can too. Based on this fact alone I can't imagine why scientists aren't more curious. A hundred years ago the famous biologist, Jacques Loeb did just that. I once read and wrote a review for a book about the Ojibiwa or Cippewa people. The author spent a decade researching oral stories from the Ojibiwa's old traditional speakers that existed before the coming of the whiteman. One story was that the wise-women looked for certain young maidens that possessed grace, intelligence and compassion. Sometimes a canditate for this parthenogenetic purpose would skip a generation or two. Nevertheless, the wise-women kept an eagle-eye open for her. When found, such a maiden was hands off for men. When they reached the age of fertility, their first period, they were instructed to fast for several days and, if willing, were required to dance around a fire in a sacred womens lodge built away from the village. Her dancing occured while she was ovulating and, if a state of bliss or ecstasy was reached, it would be possible for her to concieve and give birth to a child that would most likely be blessed with gifts of healing or leadership etc. I believe this is what happend among The Essenes along The Dead Sea over 2,000 years ago. Jesus was the result. They planned it. Needless to say this "old way" of concieving and giving birth to highly evolved souls was a no-no during a time when patriarchy was firmly established. To me, this is why King Herod had all the new born males put to death. If I haven't scared the reader off by dipping into religious lore one might ask the biological reason for the presense of the hyman in women. I believe only one species of whale has a hyman but it is to keep sea-water out. Among us humans the hyman remains a "medical mystery". Some folks think it's there merely as fodder for comedians. I thinks it's there because Nature, the great conservative, has a higher form of conception and birth in mind for women.»
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